What's On...
Christ Church provides a hub of activity throughout the week,
which gives great opportunities to get to know others and to make new friends.
Come and join us, all welcome.
Sung Eucharist at 9.30am followed by refreshments
10.00-11.30 Cobridge Kiddies(Term time Only)
For 0-4s and their parents/carers.
Come along for time to play, sing and have fun!
Costs £1
12.30pm Luncheon Club (Term time Only)
For anyone aged 60+
Costs £4 and includes a three course meal
We also play Bingo and have a raffle each week.
11am - 1pm Coffee and Craft
Please feel free to pop in for craft,
games and refreshments
10am Morning Prayer or Service of the Word.
A Midweek service lasting around 40 mins
Followed by refreshments
9am - 12pm Open Door
Come along and get a free cooked breakfast!
All Welcome