After the Funeral Service…

Immediately after the funeral you’ll be with your family and friends,

but as the days and weeks go by, the church will also be there for you.

The Hanley Team can support you in a variety of ways…


A place to be…

sometimes after a funeral all that is needed is a place to sit and think. All of our churches are open at various times throughout the week (please check the ‘What’s On’ page for each church). You are most welcome to come to sit and reflect.

A place to pray…

our churches have small chapels or spaces set aside for personal prayer. These often include a place to light a candle, or even write a short note to leave so others can also pray for you and your needs later that day or week. Simply lighting a candle is an act of prayer. Simply pause for a moment and hold your needs before God.

A place to talk…

sometimes a funeral prompts big questions about life and death. Please contact our Team Rector on: 01782 922540. The Church of England has centuries of experience in thinking about life and death, so it’s a good place to take your questions.

A place to go…

Every Sunday, and sometimes in the week, Christians gather together in the Hanley Team to give thanks to God, to pray, and to know God’s strength for the week ahead. Everyone is welcome – please check out the times of church services on the ‘What’s On’ page and go along. You might find new friends as well as the peace and comfort of God’s presence.