What is a Christening?

The start of an amazing journey…

Your child is precious to you and precious to God.

You want the very best for them, and so does God.

You want them to make right choices in life, for themselves and for others.


A christening is just the beginning of this and so much more.

Over the years to come, it’s a journey you’ll share together with your child by:

  • Being there for your child to talk to about the bigger questions of life – questions about hope, faith and love.

  • Praying for your child through the ups and downs of their faith journey.

  • Showing them practically how to make those good choices in life.

  • Helping them to learn more about their Christian faith, through their church and in other ways.

So it’s a commitment to start as you mean to go on.



Is a ‘Baptism’ different to a ‘Christening?


There is no difference between a christening service and a baptism service.

Some churches will use the word ‘baptism’ and some the word ‘christening’.

The moment when your child has water poured or wiped on their head is the actual baptism and is at the heart of the service.

Babies are baptized during a christening service just as couples are ‘married’ during a ‘wedding’ service.



What is a ‘Thanksgiving Service’?


It is a special church service, different from a christening, can be used as a way to say thank you to God for your child.

It’s possible to have this service instead of a christening if you decide that now isn’t the right time to have your child baptized. Or, you could even have the Thanksgiving service as well as a christening.

You might also choose this service when your baby is just born, or if you have adopted a child into your family and you simply want to celebrate this with special words said by a vicar in church.